we specialise in EPOS.
what is EPOS ?
EPOS stands for Electronic Point Of Sale, so it just means an electronic till, right? Wrong.
EPOS is so much more. It’s taking control of your business from wherever you are, engaging with customers to improve their experience, maximising revenue to boost profits and streamlining procedures to improve efficiency.

so where do we come in ?
glad you asked. We use our 18 years of experience trading in the industry to build a solution that works for your business. We’ll work closely with you to understand your goals so you can get the most from your EPOS system.
For us, it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3…
1. reliable hardware.
Rugged, reliable and capable EPOS hardware for business premises whether Retail or Hospitality. Tills are the back bone of your sales floor so choose an effective and robust solution.
2. innovative software.
Popular proven software that is easy to use and gives a powerful business tool for any outlet. Easy to see colour screens, security features and many added benefits for control of your business.
3. expert knowledge.
When you need help we are only a call away with technical help for your entire EPOS system. Friendly staff with expert knowledge can get you back up and running in no time and offer advice where needed.
ok, so they’re not that secret but we think they make a BIG difference
why west midlands EPOS?
EPOS Solutions give your business a modern easy to use yet powerful till system. Hardware and software combine to make a reliable and versatile business tool. Technical help will give you peace of mind to trade each and every day. West Midland EPOS supplier Business Reply likes to keep it local so offering businesses a streamlined service and dependable solution.
By keeping it local we can reduce our impact on the earth with less miles traveled. Service calls can be made in a shorter time within a local area if you need a site visit. Dial in support can ensure you are back up and running with less disruption to business. So it all makes sense really.